About Alpha Radar AI

This page answers all frequent questions from our users. If your question isn't answered here, feel free to contact us through our telegram chat channel.

  • What is Alpha Radar AI?

Alpha Radar AI is a powerful AI ecosystem that harnesses advanced AI and LLM technologies, providing comprehensive AI solutions to help investors of all types succeed in crypto investments

  • Is Alpha Radar AI free?

    • ETH

      • Alpha Radar Bot Basic: require 50k $ARBOT.

      • Alpha Radar Bot Premium: require 100k $ARBOT.

    • Solana

      • Alpha Radar Solana: need to hold a Numbody NFT to access complete push notification

  • When token launch?

$ARBOT was launched on August 29, 2023 with the max supply of 100 million tokens with no pre-sale or public sale.

  • $ARBOT Utility?

    • Access Alpha Radar Bot (At least 50,000 ARBOT)

    • Staking rewards originate from taxes and subscription fees, proportional to the staking amount

    • Exclusive benefit when using Alpha Radar Bot in future

    • Holder-exclusive events

    • Potential airdrop

    • 10% of our Solana Numbody NFT sales to buyback $ARBOT as staking rewards

  • If I have staked my $ARBOT and my wallet balance is less than 50,000, can I still access Alpha Radar Bot?

Yes! You can access Alpha Radar Bot when (staked ARBOT+ unstaked ARBOT) >= 50,000!

  • When Contract Renounced?

We may not renounce in short-term because we are a utility project and still early, once renounce we are not able to make any adjustment (ex. tax are currently 5/5, can not ruled out that there may be tax reduction or adjustment of tax allocation in the future)

Last updated